Daily(ish) Thankfulness List #8

1. The grace of God.  I need it so badly, yet it goes against my whole nature to admit it.  I thank Him that he never gives up on me, no matter how hard I fight his love. 

2. Orange juice. I know, deep to comical thoughts, but that’s just how I do things.  I’m trying to keep my immune system up and running against a crazy cold that I was almost over, and then BAM!  I felt worse again.  But, God gave us a fruit that when squeezed, produces a delicious drink that gives us the boost we need.  Yay!

3. That I was able to play basketball with my crazy amazing friends and family Monday night despite feeling sick.  I played 3 games, and somehow did not keel over.  I made three baskets, one each game, and the last one I made was the winning basket!  It made all the exertion worth it.  The last game that was played I did not play in, but I got to watch the 3 dads and little Isaac vs. everybody else!!!  It was an interesting game to say the least, but I have no idea who won. Emily or Elisa, do you know?  Overall, something amazing to be thankful for.


5 Replies to “Daily(ish) Thankfulness List #8”

  1. I’m sad to say the dads won… or happy, since my dad did score the most. 😛 Still it was lots of fun! Would have been more so if I wasn’t in pain, but such is the price of basketball, haha.

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